(852) 24197562 enquiry@ultratrailmt.com


環大帽山越野跑賽事是一項艱難和嚴峻的人類極限挑戰,賽事會經過小部份野路,行人路。大部份都在郊遊徑,林徑,家樂徑, 并圍繞大帽山山麓古道,百英里賽事會帶跑者進入三百六十度大帽山的雄偉景觀和驚嘆的大自然.



所有義工會收到精緻的義工衣, 大會為答謝所有義工, 會給與折扣參加在2021年度的環大帽山越野賽


起點和CP2 由Walkermix支援

UTMT起點(起點/終點行李,看守場地) 由眾樂行團隊支援

CP1 由施Sir和同學支援

CP3 由長跑達人支援

CP4 由癩友團隊支援

CP5 由Iris and Friend支援

CP6 由開心義工隊支援

CP7 由Yo’s and Friend支援

YTF起點及CP8a 由屯門愛跑之友團隊支援

CP8b 由跑埔友團隊支援

CP9a 由師P奶團隊支援

CP9b 由齊心義工隊支援

Cp10(a) 由 CEP Wearers支援

CP10b 由深水場跑友團隊支援

CP11a 由山頭螞蟻團隊支援

CP11b 由ChiRunning Hong Kong團隊支援



TTF起點及SCP1 由健康跑步社團隊支援

SCP3 由Hike人團隊支援

SCP4 由Running Man Athletic Club支援

SCP9及SCP12 由大東山-爛頭營義工團支援

SCP11 由香港露營行山戶外活動吹水貼圖區支援

SCP12 由 川風 支援


第3段: HIKE 人

第4段: Running Man Athletic Club

第 12a 段: Joyful Clan







    謹證明本人是自願參加此賽事之義務工作, 身體狀況良好, 適宜參加上述活動, 並願意自行承擔所有責任. 本人亦謹遵守主辦機構之一切活動規則及決定, 本人一旦因在活動過程中受到任何財物損失, 受傷或致死亡時, 主辦機構, 協辦機構及其他有關合辦機構均 毋須負上任何責任. 本人願意授權予主辦機構, 協辦機構及場地贊助在毋須經本人審查而可永久地在任何地方使用本人的肖像,姓名,聲線及個人資料作為活動籌辦,傳媒及推廣(包括相片,錄像及多媒體錄像等)而毋須向被拍攝者付上酬勞。(此聲明中英文對照,如有任何爭議,會以英文版本作準。)

    I certify that I am physically fit for volunteer work on race day. I understand that I am participating in the Event at my own risk, and responsibility. I hereby explicitly agree to abide by all rules and conditions of the Organizer.

    I hereby discharge the Organizer and any other individuals or organizations connected directly or indirectly with this Event including the Venue Sponsor from any responsibility in the event of loss of property, injury or death incurred during, as consequence of or while traveling to or from the Event (other than personal injury or resulting from the negligence of the Organizer, or the Venue Sponsor, or any other individuals or organization connected directly or indirectly with the Event). I also irrevocably grant the Organzier, Co-organizer and Venue Sponsor the right to photograph me during the Event and have my name, voice, likeness and appearance made into photographs, sound, video or multi-media recordings relating the Event (”Recording”) and to use the Recording in perpetuity throughout the world, in all media now known or hereafter devised for any purpose, whether in advertising or for purposes of trade or otherwise. I acknowledge and agree that no payment or other compensation shall by payable by Organzier or Venue Sponsor in connection with the Recording or any use thereof.
    (This declaration is written in both English and Chinese. If there is any conflict in meaning, the English version shall prevail.)




    環大帽山越野賽包含三種不同距離的比賽: UTMT 環大帽山越野跑, TTF 荃打火 (荃灣,打石湖,火炭), YTF 元打火 (元朗,打石湖,火炭)